Raising chickens is truly so rewarding. You get to see their quirky personalities, you know exactly where your food is coming from and you can teach your kids how to be responsible through easy chores. But how about when you have an abundant amount of eggs and you just can’t seem to eat them up or give them away fast enough?

Here’s 10 Ways to Use Up Eggs When You Have Too Many

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Raising chickens is so rewarding and you have a fresh breakfast every morning! But how about when you eat so many eggs you can’t stomach looking at them. Or maybe you are just so overrun and you’ve given them to everyone and their brother?

Here’s 10 Easy Ways To Use Up Extra Eggs

In a simple list of ideas you can:

  • Hard Boil
  • Sell
  • Feed back to the chickens
  • Feed to the dogs
  • Dehydrate
  • Preserve by waterglass
  • Use to fertilize in the garden
  • Freeze
  • Use in baked goods and freeze
  • Make egg noodles

Hard Boil

Hard boiling eggs is so simple and make for a great snack, addition to your salad or even great for some deviled eggs. Personally, I love egg salad on a lettuce wrap with some cheddar cheese, but that’s for another time.

If you’ve never hard boiled eggs before, it’s super easy. Just take your eggs and boil them in some water for 12 minutes. When time is up, drain and put them in some cool water with ice cubes and let them cool completely before peeling. That’s it!

Sell Your Eggs

Selling eggs is a great way to earn a little cash while also getting rid of your extra eggs. Make a facebook post, start a farmstand, sell to family or friends, or take them to work and sell them to coworkers.

I have seen prices for fresh eggs go for as little as $2.50 up to $5.00 a dozen. Currently, with feed prices rising, I would say $4 would be a good price to aim for.

Feed Back To Your Chickens

I know there’s some debate on this topic but my chickens love eating some warm scrambled eggs from time to time. Some say that feeding your chickens their eggs or even their shells will lead them to crave their freshly laid eggs. However, I have never had a problem with my girls eating their own eggs unless one of them lays a super soft one, and then of course it’s fair game.

Feed To Your Dogs

Our dogs, pure bred German Shepherds, LOVE eating eggs! When we have a ton of extra eggs, I’ll take about 10 or so and scramble them up and toss them in their dish. Denali and Tacoma gobbles them up in literal seconds. The love them and its a great source of natural nutrition versus their same old boring dog food every day.

Dehydrate Your Extra Eggs

Personally, I have yet to try this method as I don’t have the right dehydrator. But if you have a dehydrator like the Harvest Right Freeze Dryer recommended by Jessica from Three Rivers Homestead you can use her method to dehydrate eggs. She has a video here freeze drying eggs.

Waterglass Eggs

Another way to preserve your eggs would be to waterglass them. This is a method where you place your clean but unwashed eggs in a jar with some pickling lime and fill it with water. This keeps them fresh for up to 18 months. So, when your chickens get into molting season or in the winter and the egg supply dwindles, you can get your waterglass eggs out and crack them like they were freshly collected.

For full details about the waterglass method visit this link and Carolyn at Homesteading Family explains how to preserve your eggs.

Use As Fertilizer In The Garden

Last years in ground garden I was overrun with eggs. Eggs absolutely everywhere! I was told that for some added nutrients I could just crack an egg and throw it in the hole that I was planting my tomatoes and peppers in. I thought this was a great idea since the eggshells are so beneficial in the garden, the whole egg should work even better. So that’s what I did.

The peppers unfortunately were destroyed thanks to some hungry pests, but the tomatoes however did beautifully!

Freeze Your Extra Eggs

A super easy and convenient way of using up some eggs would be to freeze them! Simply crack your eggs into a bowl and give them a good whisking. Once they are done you can easily pour the whisked eggs into ice cube trays or muffin tins and store them in the freezer.

Alternatively, you can crack them on a try and freeze them into individual eggs. Be sure to spray the pan with some oil beforehand. Once frozen you can remove them from the pan and put in ziplock bags and take them out as needed.

This method keeps them fresh for up to one year but should use them within 4 months.

Use In Baked Goods And Freeze

Another great way to use up your extra eggs is to use them in baked goods and freeze them. Most baked goods calls for eggs, but if you double or even triple the batch you can use up your eggs quickly. Double or triple some of your favorite baked goods and store them in the freezer for a later date. This way you are using up your eggs and making some convenient treats for later.

Make Egg Noodles

If you have never made homemade noodles, I highly recommend you give it a try. Like most from scratch cooking, homemade noodles and a million times better than store bought and they are so easy to make! You can try out this egg noodle recipe here from A Farm Girl In The Making. I gave them a try a few months ago and they were insane! So delicious and super easy. This would be a great way to use up some eggs and store away some noodles!

So there’s 10 easy ways to use up your extra eggs. Is there a way you use up extra eggs that isn’t on this list? Please feel free to share in the comments below as I would love to have even more options for my own eggs!

And don’t forget when you do use up your eggs, save your shells! Read this post here to find out why you should save your eggshells and the best ways to do that!

I hope these 10 easy ways to use up extra eggs comes in handy for you and that you will try some new methods in your kitchen. As always, if you find anything helpful, please subscribe and follow me on Instagram.

Until next time,

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