In this crazy world it is so easy to get caught up in what we do or don’t have. It is so easy to forget everything we do have that we take for granted.

I have been getting caught up in comparison lately and it has forced me to take a step back and remember all that I have been blessed with.

It is actually embarrassing that I have been so caught up in the comparison game again for the zillionth time. I mean, how many times do I need to be reminded that it isn’t my time? That I am on a path chosen for me by my creator and He deems necessary when things happen?

One day I will no longer feel the need to compare my lack of “things”. Clearly, today isn’t that day and that is why I decided to start a 30 days of gratitude challenge.

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30 Days of Gratitude

Today is day 3 of this challenge and already I am feeling a bit better about what I am doing. Not only has it forced to me to study my life, but also get back into a morning routine.

Day 3 and I have gotten up with my alarm and only 3 snoozes instead of shutting my alarm off all together and letting the kids wake me up. I know that sounds a little silly “only 3 snoozes” but lately I have been so burnt out that I just cant wake up in the morning.

I have been burnt out and I have been slacking on all household chores, healthy eating habits, healthy sleeping patterns, etc. Honestly I believe it is because I have been so caught up in making my life look like others or “better” in some way. I am just dragging everyday and my health is even showing that I need to slow down.

The Challenge

You’re probably wondering what I am doing for this challenge so let me break it down. Trust me it’s super easy.

Every morning for the last 3 days I have set my alarm and got up before the kids. I believe in order to have a grateful heart, I need to sit in silence before the chaos of the day starts. So, morning routines are a must if I am going to complete this challenge.

I wake up and make my coffee. And then so simply, I just sit and enjoy the peace that early mornings bring. While I am sitting in peace, I am able to really soak in all the good that is surrounding me. Honestly it is that simple.

I know, I know, you were probably expecting some elaborate journaling process but it really isn’t that complicated. I am just simply trying to collect my thoughts and remember all that I have and have been blessed with.

I have, however, decided to share 5 things every day on Instagram of what I am grateful for that morning. This way I am able to look back on the challenge while having accountability.

So Far…

So far, I have been able to look around and find more beauty than I was just 3 days ago.

I think being able to block out comparison a bit by finding beauty in my own home has helped tremendously. I honestly was just getting so caught up in the beautiful views of others homes and backyard views that I forgot how beautiful our views here are.

I remember walking through our home for the first time, almost 4 years ago. I was standing in what would be our boys room, looking out the window over the backyard and I prayed “please let this be our home”. I have never forgotten walking down the hallway and just begging for this to be our home. How quickly I have forgotten the beauty of this home and the memories and life we have created.

This home doesn’t have enough land for a small farm, but we do have chickens and a farm behind us. We don’t have room for an elaborate garden, but we are making room for a small one. We don’t have a giant working kitchen, but one day we may be able to change that. We don’t have a million acres or a farmhouse, but this neighborhood provides safety for our children to play with friends and ride bikes without being on a busy road.

Focusing on what we don’t have has brought me nothing but doubt and disappointment. That is not a way to live. So, although we don’t have certain things, I am focusing on what we do have and thanking God for it.

I refuse to sit here and look at all the things we don’t have. I have done this long enough. And that is the whole point behind this gratitude challenge. I hope that I can encourage you to start your own gratitude challenge and remember all that you have been blessed with.

Until next time,

Read: How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

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