When my husband and I first started dating, his mother would make stir fry almost weekly. At that point I would dread it! My immature taste buds couldn’t stand the thought of vegetables. Yuk!

But now, I can’t get enough. Give me all the chicken and veggies. I could literally eat chicken and veggies every single night and not get sick of it. Ok…maybe I could but I wouldn’t turn down a good stir fry now.

Over the weekend I was craving stir fry with a sweet sauce. Normally I would throw butter, garlic, and maple syrup together and drench it over a stir fry, however getting back into keto, that wasn’t happening.

So I came up with a keto-fied version and it was bomb!

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So I was more focused on getting this sauce recipe written down so I didn’t take too many pictures. Sorry! But I’m assuming you want the recipe and don’t care too much about the pictures, so moving on.

If you have made stir fry before you know it is super simple. You cook the chicken, remove it, add the veggies in until they’re cooked, and then throw everything back in together and wah – la you have stir fry.

But for this stir fry, the keto version, you just need to have the right ingredients to make sure it’s keto. Easy enough.

The Sauce

Swerve brown sugar, coconut aminos, Worcestershire sauce , garlic powder, and butter. That’s it.

5 ingredients and all you have to do is mix it over medium high heat until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved.

So easy and so good!

Non Keto Version

This stir fry is so simple and can easily be made as a non keto version. Use regular brown sugar instead of swerve, and mix in some rice. Done and simple!

Frozen Veggies

You can use fresh veggies if you have them on hand, I usually like to do a fridge clean out and throw whatever is in there together. However, this time I used the frozen Asian stir fry mix. If you do this, just throw the sauce it comes with away and use the veggies only. I know it can be tempting to just warm the sauce up, but trust me making your own is so much better, and healthier!

[lt_recipe name=”Keto Chicken Stir Fry” servings=”6″ prep_time=”5M” cook_time=”30M” total_time=”35M” difficulty=”Easy ” print=”yes” image=”https://ourfaithfilledhomestead.comwp-content/uploads/2021/10/Untitled-design-46-300×169.png” ingredients=”1 pound Chicken – diced and cooked;3 – 4 cups Frozen Stir Fry Veggies;1/4 – 1/2 cup Chicken Broth;Salt, Pepper, Paprika, Garlic Powder to taste;;Sauce;2 tbs Swerve Brown Sugar;4 oz Butter;2 tbs Coconut Aminos;1 tbs Worcestershire Sauce;Garlic Powder ” ]If not done already, cube up chicken. Cook until done and set to the side. ;In the same pan, add in stir fry veggies and chicken broth. Place lid on plan and allow to cook the veggies. You want them to still be a bit firm. About 10 – 15 minutes.;Once the veggies are about done, add all sauce ingredients in to a small sauce pan and cook on medium high until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. ;Add chicken back in with the veggies, pour sauce over top.;Enjoy!;[/lt_recipe]

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