It has been quite some time since I have shared anything on this little blog of mine – almost 6 months! We have been very busy with Covid, homeschool, and salt mines…

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If you’re not living under a rock, you know all about the virus that seems to have taken over the world and has really put a total damper on 2020. So insane, right!?

With the world just going nuts, we have had our own share of crazy going on which is why I’ve been so quiet here. Also, I’ve been a tad bit lost in what direction I want my life to go, but that’s a whole post in itself.

Virtual Learning Is Not For Us.

One big change for us, the kids got to start online homeschool this Fall and what a ride it has been! Can we say nightmare???

As excited as I was to start this new season, homeschool life unfortunately is just not for us. I really don’t know how homeschool parents have the patience and choose that route. Angels on Earth.

When the option of “Virtual Learning” first became available we had no interest in entertaining that route. Our kids were going back to school and we were fine with it…until they required mandatory masks all day.  

There were so many unknowns at the beginning of the school year and the thought of our kids having to endure what we felt sounded as a “prison sentence” just didn’t sit right with us.

And now with almost 4 months in, two of the three are enjoying being home and are doing great! But then there is Bowen…

Ohhh Bowen is very much what you would call a busy body. He needs to be in an environment with other kids and can play and learn with others – mom and dad do not make for fun, overly enthusiastic teachers. We are tired! It is safe to say that after Winter break, they are going back!

This whole year is a learning experience, so we’re trying not to be too hard on ourselves with our decisions. Live and you learn, right?

Hubs Got A New Job.

Another major adjustment has been that Ray left the railroad and started work as a salt miner!

HUGE change in the way of living for us.

When you are used to being in an on-call state of living for 5 years, the change of pace a schedule brings is pretty drastic and it was honestly a little hard to get used to at first.

I’m happy to report Ray is less stressed now that he doesn’t have to guess when he is going to get called or if he will be home for family events and we can now plan for things. WAYY less stress, thank you Jesus!

Such a huge weight off our backs not being in a constant state of unknown – which is probably the best thing that has happened for us this year. So, so very thankful!!

Honestly, I don’t think this year has turned out for anyone the way they had thought, certainly hasn’t for us. Heck, I thought I would have a career by now and be further than I am. But nope, just sitting here trying to keep quiet so I don’t wake the chaos up just yet! Ha!

So, since my plans aren’t going according to the way I thought they would, I am going to take a leap of faith once again and see where it takes me.

Stay tuned, you may just be VERY surprised!

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