So you’re taking the leap and starting a garden? Wonderful! This is such great news! You are going to love having a garden and fresh produce all summer long. But before you designate space for a garden, make sure you consider these few things!

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Growing a garden is such a joy. I have been growing gardens in one form or another for that last 9 years. There is much to be said about gaining knowledge and experience in gardening. You are forever learning what works and what doesn’t, as well as, new or more efficient ways of doing things.

If you are brand new to gardening, I recommend you taking a look at my Beginners Guide to Gardening. In just 5 simple steps you can start your own garden. It’s really that simple. All the extras will come in time.

One aspect of starting a garden is designating space for the garden. Of course, it could be as easy as picking an open spot in your yard. However, there are some things to consider before planting roots. pun intended 😉

gardening tips for beginners

What to Consider When Designating Space for a Garden

There are really only a few things to consider when designating space for a garden, but it can be a headache if you don’t consider these things first:

  • How much food do you want to produce?
  • Take note of surrounding trees and buildings.
  • Consider the proximity of a water source.
  • Keep it away from pets, livestock, poultry.

How Much Food Would You Like to Produce?

First and foremost I think one of the most important things to consider when designating space for a garden is listing out your goals for your garden.

Creating a goal for your garden will help you decide how much space you are going to need to reach that goal.

So, if you are just learning but have the intention on growing all of your produce one day, it would be smart to pick an area that will allow that expansion to happen in the future.

You can easily start with a small garden, but as you grow your skills and enjoyment, you’ll want to grow that space bigger and bigger.

Or say you only want to grow an herb garden. Herbs can actually be grown along side your landscape if you wanted. Depending on how many plants you want to grow, an herb garden doesn’t need a ton of room.

So to start, list out your goals for this garden, not just for this year but for future years.

Surround Buildings and Trees

Before planting your garden, you’ll want to take note of surrounding trees and/or buildings.

While some plants may do well in the shade, most plants will need 6-8 hours of sun daily. Therefore, you will want to pay attention to any trees or buildings that could hinder the sun.

Be sure to track the sun over a period of time and note when the shade sets in around the desired garden area.

Water Source

When choosing a space for your garden you will want to consider how far away a water source is.

Of course, you could go all in and make a fancy water system, but as a beginner that is probably the last thing on your mind.

Basically, answer the question: Will the hose reach this spot? Our first garden here, we planted way too far way from the hose and had to carry buckets. Not super fun but was a good workout.

Choose a Space Away from Animals

Choose a garden space away from animals (and kids). The last thing you want after putting hours of work into your garden is a dog on a lead running through the garden and trampling all the precious plants. Yes, I know this from experience.

Another thought is any livestock or poultry, think goats and chickens. Goats and chickens eat everything so be sure to either fence in the space or choose it far away from the hungry hippos.

There you have it, just a few things to consider before you plant your garden. Is there anything I’m missing? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for being here! Until next time,

the mustard seed mama
gardening tips for beginners
gardening tips for beginners

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