How to earn money from home was a question I struggled to answer for the first 5 years I was a stay-at-home mom. Now, 4 years later, I have multiple ways I bring in a bit extra money to fund extra projects, send to savings, buy homeschool supplies, fancy kitchen gadgets, and of course my silly dresses. If you are looking for ways to earn money from home, this blog post is for you!

This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you purchase through a link! You can find my full Disclaimer here.

how to earn money from home

How to Earn Money from Home

If you are like me, you enjoy all the benefits of staying home, caring for your babies, homeschooling, homesteading, and homemaking. This way of living fulfills you in a way you have never thought possible.

In the back of your mind you feel like there is more you could be doing. There’s more you could be helping with when it comes to the bank account, groceries, paying off debt, adding to savings, projects, school supplies.

Of course, your husband has been an incredible provider and has made is possible for you to be home with your children but you want to help. You want to help take some of that weight off of his shoulders and reach your goals quicker, easier.

You see the toll is takes on him and although he gladly takes his role as provider seriously, you just want to do something, anything help contribute.

This is the exact mindset I was in when I started this blog; To help contribute to our income, but I didn’t want to sacrifice my time serving in the home.

Income Streams

Having multiple income streams is something that I have always seen successful people talk about. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” sort of thing. When you have multiple streams of income it helps lessen the blow when one stream doesn’t perform well, which is likely to happen at some point.

When I counted up the different ways I help contribute to our income, I came up with 9 different streams that I currently am utilizing with plans to expand further this year.

Ways to Earn Money from Home

Finding ways to earn money from home can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you listen to all the money making gurus out there. Thankfully, there are unlimited possibilities when it comes to making money from home.

Although, my goal this year is to up my contribution but currently the total is 9.

  • Etsy
  • Affiliate Links
  • Blogging
  • Ads – Facebook
  • Renting our Camper
  • Selling eggs, sourdough, etc.
  • Brand deals
  • Monat
  • Family business


In 2022, I started my Etsy shop, FFHMercantile, and it has increased my contribution tremendously, especially over the Christmas season when people are more shopping. I sell my sourdough starter, coffee mugs, foot soaks, and bath salts here.

With Etsy you can sell almost anything! I love the versatility and how I can create handmade items as well as design items and companies will do the work for me. Not having to keep inventory while having my own products is such a life saver!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to make money on products you are already using. Most companies have an affiliate program and this allows you to share links and make a commission on purchases made through that link.

For example, if you sign up for Amazons affiliate program you can easily create a link for any products right in their app. This is my most used and creates me the most income of all my affiliate links currently as almost everyone is familiar with and uses Amazon already.

If you want to start using affiliate marketing, a great place to start is right on your favorite companies website and scroll down to the bottom. Around where they share their policies, contact us, etc, would be the place you can usually find their affiliate program.

Some companies do have requirements as far as follower count and reach, but most are an option and are free to join. Just sign up and share!

If you are curious about affiliate programs, you can easily google “your favorite brand affiliate program” and it will pop up. Sign up, get approved, start sharing, get paid! Simple!


Blogging is an excellent way to make passive income. I know people who make $30,000 every month just by blogging, sharing knowledge about things they love.

To start a blog you want to get a host, I use Bluehost and you can sign up with them for only $2.95/month through my link.

Your host is what is going to allow you to have the space for your website and content. Using Bluehost will give you a free domain for a year, install WordPress (where you actually create your blog/content), and you get 24/7 support. I have used their support many times and they are incredible!

Blogging is a great opportunity to share valuable knowledge with others but also for income through your affiliate links, courses, memberships, ads and more! Most of this can become passive income, meaning your business is essentially on autopilot and you don’t have to constantly maintain it.

For example, I am able to run google ads on my entire blog and that makes me passive income because I write the blog post once, publish it, and out into the internet it goes.

Facebook Ads

Facebook has an invite only program for creators that I am currently enrolled in. I create content with reels and get paid per view through Facebook. This is similar to the bonuses Instagram used to have for creators, unfortunately that ended and took some of my income from home away.

TikTok also has a creator program that where you can monetize your content. Find information about that here.

Some of the requirements to monetize your Facebook reels are:

You can find more about Facebook ads here.

Renting our Camper

Last summer we listed out camper on RVShare to earn money from home and it paid off big time.

It’s really easy to sign up and list your RV on RVShare as you simply list a detailed description, check all the boxes pertaining to your camper, post some photos, and you’re done!

RVShare does all the behind the scenes work for you so all you have to do is communicate with the renter, and prepare your camper. That’s it!

When we listed our camper in the middle of July last year we had our first booking within 24 hours!

Selling Eggs, Sourdough, Etc.

When you’re trying to earn money from home it’s important that you get creative with your methods. For us, selling eggs was easy as come spring time we usually have eggs coming out of our ears! We sell eggs for $3 a dozen and that helps with buying feed, straw, or any chicken necessities that come up.

Selling sourdough is another option I have tried out as everyone loves some homemade sourdough! I know plenty of people who have turned selling sourdough into a full time income with the many things you can bake using sourdough.

Have a knack for creating handmade items? Soaps, lotions, balms, salves, you can do this from right from home as well. Farmers markets are a great source to utilize, while not strictly from home, is an added source of income you can do on your terms.

Brand Deals

Working with brands for paid content is an excellent way to earn money from home. If you are a creator, you can reach out to brands through their Instagram or email requesting partnership. I would recommend creating a media kit through Canva and attaching these to your messages.

Similarly, you can reach brands by emailing their marketing department and attaching your media kit.

Network Marketing

My latest source of income is partnering with Monat.

I have worked with multiple network marketing companies in the past and so far Monat has been the most rewarding and fun! I started using Monat to help bring my curls back to life and take some of the stress off of my husbands shoulders being the main provider of our income.

The fact that I get to transform my hair while helping others do the same and earn commission in the process is so rewarding to me. My favorite part is that there is zero buying requirements, inventory, fees, nothing. This allows me to enjoy the products and business without worrying if I have the money to put back into it.

You can join me by clicking here.

Family Business

Last but not least, I work for our family business a few times a month when it fits in my schedule. My step dad owns a marketing business and I help with behind the scenes work like payroll, managing the office, etc. Fortunately, I can work from home if needed which is why I included it in this list.

Other Ways to Earn Money from Home

There truly are an unlimited number of ways you can earn money from home. Some other ways you can earn money from home would be to:

  • Thrift/Resell
  • Email Marketing
  • Babysit
  • Create and sell printables
  • Virtual Assitant
  • Dropshipping
  • Sell vegetable/starts

I hope that this post gives you a better idea on how you can start earning money from home and help make an impact in your finances. Have suggestions? I want to hear them! Please leave them in the comments below! Some

how to earn income from home

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