There is nothing that tastes better in the middle of all those gloomy winter days than the taste of summer! Thankfully, I have been able to store up some canned peaches, homegrown potatoes, garden green beans and even freeze fresh corn. Here’s how you can freeze fresh corn too!

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Freezing fresh corn is a pretty simple task, however it can take quite a bit of time depending on how much you have to process.

This year we were lucky to be able to harvest 16 dozen ears of corn from a friend. Of those 16 dozen, 14 dozen went to the freezer. From the harvest, to the shucking, to the processing, it took about 5 hours to get done.

Thankfully the kids know how to shuck corn and I didn’t have to participate in that endeavor. But the rest, the rest I got to accomplish with my husband right by my side!

how to freeze fresh corn for long term storage

When freezing fresh corn there really isn’t too much to worry about.

A simple process of boiling whole corn cobs for 3 minutes, putting them in an ice bath, cutting the corn off the cobs, fill freezer bags and lay them flat in the freezer. That’s it!

Honestly, that is literally it, there’s not much to it when it comes to freezing fresh corn.

However, I will go in to detail if you want a more in-depth details of the process.

What You Need To Freeze Fresh Corn

Freezer Bags

Large Pot, I used my water bath canner

A straw or vacuum sealer

Ice water

Sharp Knives – I use these ones

How to Freeze Fresh Corn

Start by shucking your corn, trying to get it as clean as possible.

Fill a large pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. I used my water bath canner and was able to boil 2 dozen ears at a time.

When the water is boiling, add in your corn and boil for 3 minutes. Immediately remove the corn and put it in ice water. You do not want the corn to cook, only to blanche it.

Once the corn has cooled, using a sharp knife cut the corn off the cob and add it to a freezer bag. If you choose to leave the corn on the cob, just cut the cob to desired length and add to the freezer bag.

Before closing the bag you can use a straw and suck out the air, then seal it shut. Alternatively you can use a vacuum sealer, this will allow the corn to stay fresh longer.

When storing your corn in the freezer, lay it flat. Many people complain of a lack of freezer space so laying it flat helps from taking up too much room and you can stack other goods on top or store the corn upright after it has froze.

How Long Will Frozen Fresh Corn Last

Freezing fresh corn with this method will allow the corn to last up to 12 months. Using a vacuum sealer will allow for a little longer length in the freezer.

We froze corn last year and are still eating it just over a year later and it is still just as tasty as the day we picked it.

How to Use Frozen Fresh Corn

When you are ready to use your frozen fresh corn, simply pour it in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil. Boil for about 2 minutes and then drain. Super easy!

You can also use frozen corn to add to casseroles, soups, and stews.

If you choose to leave the corn on the cob, same process but boil for about 5 minutes.

Want to store more food for long term use? Try some of the recipes below!

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