One of the most frustrating parts of starting seeds is the time it takes seeds to germinate. Not to mention questioning if your seeds have even germinated within the soil. I started using this foolproof method to germinate seeds quickly two years ago and I haven’t looked back. Read on to learn how to germinate seeds quickly.

how to germinate seeds quickly

Seed Starting

One of the best times of the year is seed starting season.

The time in between what seems like a never-ending Winter and Spring being so far away, I find joy in starting seeds indoors.

As much joy as starting seeds brings me, I don’t love the thought of planting seeds into soil and not always knowing how they are doing.

Many times I tend to be a bit impatient and dig up the seeds if they are taking too long to sprout above the soil. I know I’m not the only one, am I?

To combat this little struggle, I started making these DIY window greenhouses and haven’t looked back!

DIY Window Greenhouses

Creating these DIY window greenhouses is a fun way to germinate seeds and watch them grow.

It’s also a great homeschool project to teach kiddos about germination and how seeds work. 😉

Here’s what you need:

  • Sandwich Baggies
  • Spray Bottle
  • Tape
  • Paper Towels
  • Permanent Marker
  • Seeds

Step one:

Label your sandwich baggie with the name of the seed you are germinating. Then place your paper towel flat on a flat surface and place desired amount of seeds on top.

Step two:

Use a spray bottle or spritzer to wet your paper towel and seeds. You do not want this to be dripping but get the paper towel good and wet.

Step three:

Fold the paper towel in half with the seeds inside. Then place the folded paper towel inside a sandwich baggie and close it.

Step four:

Choose a window that gets lots of sun and tape the greenhouses to the window.

Step five:

Watch your seeds germinate in the window. Use as a fun science experiment to teach kids how germination works.

how to germinate seeds quickly

After Germination

Once your seeds have germinated, you can transfer them to some seed-starting soil in whatever container you prefer to start seeds in. Treat them just as you would any other seedlings, using seed trays and grow lights. At this point, you could use heat mats if you wanted but since they have already germinated it’s not necessary.

Personally, I enjoy using these seed starting trays and grow lights.

Want to learn more about starting seeds indoors? Read this post here to learn how to start seeds indoors for beginners.

how to germinate seeds quickly

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