Our mental health is truly a crazy, fantastic, sometimes downright annoying, but the most important thing in our life. Our mindset controls literally every single detail of our life and those simple details add up to being our entire existence. So, if we are constantly in a mindset funk, our life is going to feel like is just one big chaotic mess day after day after day. So what do we do when we feel like we are stuck in a mindset funk? Glad you asked!

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By now we should all know that the mind can play tricks on us. I mean, how many times have you ruined your own day with a made up scenario that caused some sort of argument that wasn’t even real to begin with? Maybe I shouldn’t admit to how many times I have lol

But seriously. The mind is so powerful and we are the ones that control it, so why do we get ourselves in these funks of no return?

Think about it. We could be having the best day of our life and if we have the smallest inkling of a bad thought, our entire day could be ruined if we choose to focus on it. By the end of the day, we could be completely consumed in this thought and create a miserable situation for ourselves that could potentially last weeks.

So, here’s what we’re going to do:

We’re going to change our mindset. It’s that simple.

Now, I could tell you that it’s super simple because we’re just going to start thinking good, positive, uplifting thoughts and just focus on those. Maybe that would work for some people. But, for those of us that have been in a funk for weeks on end, this isn’t going to cut it. And as someone that has been in a funk for weeks, I can vouch for it.

Disclaimer: If you are in serious need, please seek professional help. Mental health is something to take very seriously, so if you are feeling like you can’t cope, you can call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) and speak with someone to help.

Let’s get started.

How To Get Out Of A Mental Funk

First, I’ll share some big steps that I like to take if I am in a really big funk, the kind that feels like they last for days on end. Then, I’ll share some simple tips that help with the daily mindset dips, such as a bad day, an unpleasant conversation, kids being crazy.

Big Funk

Focus on the positive –

Yes, I know it’s not that simple. We can’t just think about the positive and everything turns into rainbows and butterflies, I know. But this is a good place to start. You see, in order to get out of the dark we need to find the light. The dark is the negative that we keep telling ourselves “I can’t do this”, “I’m not strong enough”, “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m not in the best position”, “How did I get here”, “Why is this happening to me”. This is setting us up for the poor me mindset and this is exactly why we are in this funk. We need to see the positive, the light, the good in what is going on. So, although it isn’t easy or a fix all, it is a good place to start.

Find the root cause of “the funk” –

I found that in order to really see the light, I need to figure out why I am truly in this funk. As I said before, the mind is so powerful and can cause situations for ourselves that aren’t even real to begin with. So, I like to really dig deep and figure out what is truly wrong and what it is that I need to fix. Am I really in that bad of shape financially or am I just stressing? Did they really say that or did I make it up? Do I really look like that or was it a bad angle? Is this job really that bad or was it just a bad shift? I am telling you, you need to find the root cause to really understand what the funk is about to determine it’s severity.

Focus on the root cause –

Maybe this one feels counteractive, but if you don’t focus on what caused the funk in the first place, how are you going to fix it? If you don’t fix and heal from the main cause, you are just going to end up right back where you started. So, you are going to figure out what is actually wrong, why you are in the funk, and then focus on fixing it. Is this situation something that can be fixed quickly or is it going to need a lot of work to get out of? Can you take some time to yourself and decompress or is making a life change going to be necessary? Do whatever it is that is going to help you fix the problem at hand so you hopefully aren’t in this situation again.

Daily Dips

“Daily dips” is what I refer little “funks” as. They’re just the everyday dips of mental health because let’s face it, every day ain’t a party. And if you’re anything like me, you need a little break daily to help with your mental health. So, here’s what you can do daily that helps keep you out of those “big funks” and gets you to focus on something other than your daily life.

Trust me, all of these help even if “cleaning” doesn’t seem like it. You need something that is going to take your mind off of the day and focus on something positive. For me, I love to cut the grass because it gives me almost two hours of alone time, just myself. my music, and no one bugging me while also getting a chore done.

I also highly recommend sending the kids away, cranking up some music, and cleaning the house. It’s kind of like a good workout you really don’t want to. You don’t even want to think about it, but once it’s done you are so glad you did it and you feel a million times better.

Use these ideas to help with your mental funks and I promise, you will feel better in no time!

Until next time,

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