With the heat of summer in full swing, we usually have our toddlers walking around in just their diaper. It used to be tricky getting them to keep their diaper on, that is until we started doing this…

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How To Keep Your Toddler From Taking Off Their Diaper The Easy Way

With the Summer heat here, our twins are constantly in their diapers. I mean, if we didn’t have to wear clothes like responsible adults, we would be in our underwear too, amiright?

Anyway, after having 6 kids, you find what works best and today I wanted to share just that.

The days of your toddler taking off their diapers is over.

All you have to do is put underwear over their diapers.

Yep. That’s it. Super simple and it works!

Toddler Underwear

Toddler underwear has worked for us for years and bonus, they take away the ugliness of the disposable diaper. For us, even if our kiddos have still tried to take the diaper off, the elastic from the underwear kind of acts as a “belt” and keeps the diaper strapped on.

If you don’t have any toddler underwear yet, because obviously your kiddo is still in diapers, you can grab some here!

Toddler underwear. Who would have thought. It’s that easy. Try it and let me know if it worked for you!

Until next time,

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