Have you ever heard of banana tea? If not, in this post I’m sharing what it is and how to make it. Anddd before you ask, it’s not the kind of tea that you drink…its homemade plant fertilizer!

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Zero Waste Bananas

Have you ever considered making your own plant fertilizer?

Recently, we received a giant box of bananas, there were so many that I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with all of them.

I made a few loaves of banana bread, the kids ate a ton of them, and I cut and froze a bunch for smoothies. With all those bananas used up, I had a plethora of banana peels and I wasn’t sure what to do with them.

I did give some of the peels to the chickens but still there were a lot left. So, I decided to not let the peels go to waste and made some banana tea aka plant fertilizer.

What is Banana Tea?

Banana tea is not tea that you drink, but in a sense a tea that your plants can drink.

Soaking banana peels in water for a few hours to a few days or weeks allows the extraction of the vitamin and minerals that are perfect for plants.

What are the Benefits?

Bananas have potassium in them that is perfect for plants. Plants such as some house plants, tomatoes, and peppers thrive with added nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.

I am using the “tea” on my tomato seedlings for some added nutrients to create strong roots to help when transplanting.

This is also great for in the garden to deter pests such as aphids and ants in the garden.

How to Make Homemade Plant Fertilizer

What you need:

What to do:

You are going to take about 4 banana peels and either put them in glass jars whole or you can cut them up. Your preference.

Next, fill the jar to the top with water and place the lid on tightly.

From there you can wait a few hours up to a few days. I waited a week before putting mine into a glass spray bottle and diluted it with water.

You want to dilute the banana water so that it is not too strong for the plants.

The fertilizer can be used on plants once a week.

Once diluted, this makes one spray bottle full of fertilizer.

Making banana tea aka homemade plant fertilizer was a lot of fun and easy to do. I think this is a great project for kids to do and learn about how everything is connected and plants can help other plants. We don’t need harmful chemicals from the store but use what we have right in our very own kitchens.

Have you made banana water fertilizer before? If you make it, please share and tag me on Instagram @themustardseedway I’d love to see how it worked for you!

Until next time,

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