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Reading that headline, you are probably thinking “Me time? What’s me time? Moms get me time???”

Yep, moms get me time and I’m gonna show you how!

As a mom of 6, “quarantine” has made me realize just how much I needed my me time and I have Z E R O guilt taking my time, now.

Like most stay at home moms, I am consumed day in and day out by babies, bottles, diapers, tantrums, Cocomelon, more diapers, 10 million trillion gazillion snacks a day and dang it, mama needs a break!

So, after more than half a decade, I decided I needed to ditch the mom guilt and take the time that I so desperately needed and created myself some “me time” every. single. day.

What’s Me Time?

Remember before kids, when you could do whatever the heck you wanted, whenever you wanted? No time frames, babysitters, kids waking up at the buttcrack of dawn?

Yeah, I hardly remember that time, too.

But, me time is a small glimpse what that time used to be like.

Every single day, I schedule myself to have some me time. Some time to focus on what I want that has nothing to do with the kids, chores, or adult responsibilities.

Some days I just sit my butt on the couch and scroll through my phone. Most days, I make myself some coffee and work on my blog. Other times I catch up on my shows. Really, it’s whatever I feel drawn to that day.

So, how do I do this? Glad you asked!

Get a Planner

First, I write EVERYTHING in my planner. Seriously, everything.

I use a Blue Sky Planner that I actually found on Amazon a few years ago when I was in college and I needed to keep my days and schedule straight!

This planner allows me to schedule everything from the kids appointments, payment due dates, even how I want to schedule my blog postings for the month.

Schedule everything so that I know how every day is going to go. Trust me, if you are not doing this already, you need to start.

Once you get your planner and you can see what you have planned every day, you can then plan when you are going to have your me time.

Number One Rec: Naptime

On a good day, I can get about 2 hours of me time while the babes nap. Of course, I plan every day for the twins to nap at a certain time so that I know I will be able to sit alone.

Having your kids on a schedule so their bodies know when it’s naptime is super helpful, not just for them, but for you as well.

Naturally, nap time doesn’t always work out so you may have to sacrifice some sleep for me time.

Alternative to Naptime

Most days, I get my me time in before the kids even get up. If naptime isn’t working and 5 am is the only time to sit alone, then 5 am is going to be your go to.

Other days, I need my sleep so after bedtime is my alone time.

Honestly, most days I am up at 5 am and still have my alone time after the kids go to bed with my shows. I’m not a stranger to little sleep, but what mom is right?

Get a Part Time Job

You may be thinking “I thought this was about me time?”

It is, don’t worry.

Honestly, I think that sometimes what we need as moms isn’t exactly just for an hour to ourselves, but more to feel needed and not to just wipe butts and be a snack b***h.

After going back to work part time, I felt a wave of relief come over me and I got some excitement back in my life.

Having something that gets you out of the house a day or two a week, drive in the car alone and maybe grab a coffee, feels really freeing.

It may not be time just for you, but it is giving you space from your every day role as a mom, aka a break.

Go Back to School

This one may get some some heads scratching, so let me explain.

I went back to school in 2016 after our third was born and just graduated in May 2020. I had 3 babies that included twins and we moved twice within that time. It was hard.

But it was so worth it!

I got time to myself almost everyday, made new friends, gained new experiences, and learned and grew so much within myself.

Although, the student loans will be the death of me, I HIGHLY recommend taking up some classes or just look into expanding your skill level with some night classes. I don’t think you will ever regret growing outside of your box.

Get a Babysitter

Having a babysitter is something kinda new for me. Usually the only time the kids are with someone other than me or my husband, they are with grandparents and that is even rare.

Lately, we have a babysitter coming weekly so that I can work and that we get a few hours to ourselves a week.

Since that has started, I truly believe that a babysitter is a necessity and not just a luxury.

If I am being honest, it has taken a long time to feel comfortable with a babysitter and honestly, to afford one. Please don’t feel like you need to break the bank for one.

If you can manage it, I definitely recommend having a babysitter at least once a week for you to go shopping or a lunch date so that you can get out of the house and into a new environment without kids.

For me, it has helped tremendously with my mental health.


Turn on the Tv

This one may get me in trouble, but if all else fails, turn on the tv.

Yeah, I said it.

Being a mom or parent in general is freaking tough! Don’t ever feel bad if you just need a break so bad that you turn to the tv for a babysitter every now and then.

Yep, I have used Cocomelon and Blippi as a way to get my kids to give me a break. It’s tough being a mom and the kids don’t make it any easier throwing tantrums because they can’t eat a bag of chocolate chips for breakfast.

Allowing your kids to be consumed in a show for 30 minutes so you can eat in peace or have a break from the constant screaming isn’t going to melt their brain.

If it is helping you, it could be helping them too.

There is a difference between needing a break and just sticking your kids in front of the tv every single day so you don’t have to take care of them. Don’t be that mom.

So there you have it, a few ways that I have personally taken back my me time as a mom. Share with me in the comments how you get me time as a mom!

As always, follow on Instagram @organizedchaoschronicles for daily content! 🙂

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  1. It’s always neat to see how other moms make time for themselves. I’m actually going to be writing about this topic. A few things that i’ve found helpful were getting cereal (something they can do themselves) , so that my husband & I could sleep in on a Saturday. I also find that after kids outgrow naps, continuing on with a quiet time will ensure quiet time for mommy too. There are a few others; but I will save for my post. Thanks for sharing mama!

    1. Thank you for your insight! We do quiet time for our older kiddos too while the younger ones nap! I’ll take whatever I can for more coffee and quiet time! Whatever works! 🙂

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