If you are looking for an easy way to start making your very own sourdough recipes at home you’re in luck! I am selling my dehydrated sourdough starter in my shop! Here’s how to buy dehydrated sourdough starter!

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There’s no secret that I love me some homemade sourdough bread. It is Heaven on Earth if you ask me. Toast it and slather on some butter and it’s like fireworks in your mouth!

Okay, okay, a little over done on the dramatics, but honestly I just love sourdough. The more sour the better.

With how much I love my sourdough, I thought what better way to share the love than to package it up and sell it!?

how to buy sourdough starter

How to Buy Dehydrated Sourdough Starter

FFHMercantile is my little Etsy shop I created to sell my dehydrated sourdough starter that my kids lovingly named Ruthie after my grandma Ruth.

I have some big plans for this shop, but first we’re just getting our feet wet with the sourdough starter.

When you purchase “Ruthie” you receive 10 grams of dehydrated sourdough starter, directions, and tracking of your package. I will also provide any help you need to get your starter going. I’m available through all social media platforms, email, and messaging through Etsy.

Honestly, I just want everyone to be able to experience sourdough the way I have. It’s so dang delicious and you can do so much with it, you really won’t regret it.

Local Friends

If you are local, I am totally open to skipping Etsy and sending your starter through the mail without the cost of shipping.

Or if you prefer, I can package up a live starter and send the first feeding with it. Totally up to you!

Sourdough Recipes

I absolutely love sourdough and came up with my own no knead sourdough bread recipe that is perfect for beginners.

Also, I highly recommend checking out Little Spoon Farm as she has so many sourdough recipes!

Want to make your own starter from scratch?

If you would like to try your hand at making your own sourdough starter from scratch, you can follow my steps in this post.

If you have any questions regarding my shop or starter, please feel free to message me and I’ll try to answer any questions you have.

Thanks for being here!

how to buy dehydrated sourdough starter
where to buy sourdough starter

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