I’ll be the first to admit that I am not always the most content. Last year, my word for the year was content and I pretty much failed.

But let’s be honest, 2020 was a failure altogether so I couldn’t have been that bad.

What were talking about here though, is the contentment you feel within your home.

Maybe you get bored of looking at the same four walls and can’t stop scrolling Zillow in hopes something in your price range pops up.

Oh wait, that’s me!

I am positive I am not the only one that feels this way at times. Especially when we have been trapped in our homes for the last year, it can start looking pretty bleak. Most times, it’s not the home itself, but the vibe that you get because you need to change somethings within the home!

So, I am going to share with you my top tips for staying content within your home!

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How To Stay Content Within Your Home

Of course, we can get fancy with the home remodeling and the knocking out of walls to make our home more “us” but that can get pretty dang pricey. So unless you have an unlimited amount of money to play with, or you have been saving for demolition, let’s stick with simple changes.

Again, these are all things that I have done in my very own home to keep me from getting bored. As a stay at home mom, I see the same four walls every single day and I can get pretty annoyed just looking at them.

So here’s what I have done:

  • Rearrange furniture
  • Redecorate with items you already own
  • Paint
  • Add a rug
  • Replace/Add furniture
  • Paint Cabinets
  • Hang a mirror
  • Clean up “the chair”
  • Open a window
  • Diffuse oils
  • Play music constantly
  • Make a “sitting room”
  • Hang or replace curtains
  • Whitewash fireplace
  • Add an accent wall

15 Ways to Stay Content Within Your Home

Rearrange Furniture

Since I was a kid, I have always rearranged furniture and never thought much of it. As an adult, apparently you’re not supposed to rearrange every couple of weeks. Never knew! Ha! Either way, rearranging furniture is a quick and easy fix to freshen up a room and give it a new look.

Redecorate With Items You Already Own

This is one tip I think I do most often. I always take filler items from one room and move it to the next. Whether it be to add to a fireplace, book shelf, or even the bathroom sink, I always use items I already have. Items such as: candles, jars, fake plants, mirrors, wooden frames, etc. Items that will help add a little charm. If I don’t feel it works in the space, I just put it away until I discover it again and it’s like I have new decor without spending money.


I can feel the hard eye roll coming from my husband already! He hates to paint and I feel painting is an extremely easy and inexpensive way to update rooms to make them fit your style or mood. We have painted so many times and my next project is our laundry room because who wants a flat white!? Make it fun and boost your mood!

Add A Rug

If you have pets and small children, this one you may want to stay cautious of or check out Amazon for inexpensive and beautiful rugs. Adding a rug really does change the feel of a room and gives it such a cozy feel. I bought this rug on Amazon for just over $100! Its a 9×12 amazing quality and if it does get ruined from our 6 kids, 2 German Shepherds and 2 cats, I don’t mind as much because it was such a great deal!

Replace/Add Furniture

Depending on your taste, this one could get a little pricey but adding furniture does wonders for the vibe of a room. Whether you are buying or receiving second hand, adding furniture, even just an accent table can really change the vibe of a room. For us, we took out of the twins play pen since they were hardly using it inside anymore, and we added a chaise that we got from my mother in law. The vibe of our living room as been so much cozier and put together, in my opinion.

Paint Cabinets

Before you do this one, make sure you know what you are doing! Apparently, painting cabinets takes a long time, and you are pretty much stuck with whatever you end up with. However! Painting cabinets can be an inexpensive way to change up a kitchen or even bathroom. We have plans to paint our kitchen cabinets and change out the hardware next month. Search Pinterest for the best “how tos” on painting cabinets!

Hang A Mirror

I am really loving the idea of adding mirrors instead of pictures to fill empty spaces. We have a mirror at the end of our stair case in our entryway instead of a picture and I feel it gives it more depth. Although, I think I want to change up the style of mirror, hmm…don’t tell my husband! 😉

Clean Up “The Chair”

We all have one, you know what I’m talking about. The chair or space we automatically throw everything to. For us, we have a bench in our room and somehow no matter how hard I try, the bench is always filled with something. So I took time to really clean up and I couldn’t believe how wonderful our room felt afterwards.

Open A Window

After a long winter, opening a window can make your home feel so fresh and brand new. I highly suggest opening a window if you are feeling bored with your home. Honestly, some fresh air will do anyone good and will be the mood booster you need.

Diffuse Oils

You are probably thinking “how is diffusing oils going to make me content with my home” and I will tell you just that! Diffusing the right oils helps relax you and makes you feel calm, or awake, or excited, what you need is a mood booster when it comes to your home. You are bored because you need to feel a different energy and for me anyway, diffusing oils does just that. Check out Plant Therapy for all the oil goodness!

Play Music Constantly

Again, playing music constantly is going to give you the vibe and mood booster you need to enjoy your home again. I am always playing music to get me out of a funk and lift my spirits.

Create A Sitting Room

If you don’t know what a sitting room is, it is simply a room designated for sitting. We turned our old, tiny dining room into a sitting room that contains a “coffee bar”, a couple high back chairs, a small table, and for a little razzle dazzle, a changing table so we don’t have to run up and down the stairs a million times a day to the bedroom. We created this space so that we would have a space away from the toys and tv and we can just relax and be free from other distractions.

Hang or Replace Curtains

Our current dining room has never had curtains. When we moved in, they had the old school vertical hanging blinds that you could easily pull off and break. Pair that with wood paneling and we had the best 70s family room ha! Well, those were the first things to go and then we never hung curtains back up until just the last month or so. We went 3 years without curtains, mainly because it is such a dark room and super private. This last month I hung curtains and wow did it change the feel of the entire room! Best decision ever!

Whitewash Fireplace

When I whitewashed our living room fireplace, I was super intimated. However, it is so stinking simple I went ahead and did our dining room fireplace as well. Before, we had a sandy, tan brick fireplace and after whitewashing, the feel and look were dramatic. All you need is some white paint thinned out with some water, a small paint brush and some rags. Super easy!

Add An Accent Wall

Adding an accent wall can make for a game changer for a bored house. We have an accent wall in our living room that I feel is perfect for our crazy and chaotic living room with our crew. Also, in our dining room we have a darker color that really makes our fireplace pop. If you are in a place you can not paint, try a stick on wallpaper to create an accent wall without making it permanent. I love this idea for the bathroom!

There you have it, 15 easy and inexpensive ways to stay content within your home. I hope these tips helped!

Until next time,

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