We all do it. We compare ourselves to someone that we think is better, faster, stronger, smarter than we are.

But why?

To think that our purpose for life is to compete with the person next to us, or the imaginary perfection on a screen, is absolutely crazy. Yet, most of us would believe it.

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We Are All Called For A Purpose

We are called for our purpose, our own assignment, and that is where we should be directing our attention. Not trying to diminish our light and our worth because of what others have or can do.

Let’s stop comparing ourselves to someone that isn’t even on the same level as us. We aren’t even in the same race.

I know I have spoke about comparison before, but it truly is so close to my heart as I have done nothing but compare myself to others for the majority of my life, and finally feel like I am breaking free from it all.

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

For years these thoughts consumed my every move:

Why isn’t my hair straight, like hers?

Why can’t I be naturally skinny, like them?

If I was blonder and wore tighter clothes, I know I could get the boys to like me.

I can’t wear that bathing suit, my body isn’t like hers.

If I was prettier, they would like me.

If my house was newer, I could share it more.

I can’t share my food like they do, I don’t have the best lighting.

If only I could have the confidence to talk to people like they do.

I wish my life was that perfect.

My list could go on, and on, and on, and on….

Until one day, I just didn’t want to compare myself anymore. It’s exhausting trying to be someone else.

God didn’t make me like them because he needs ME.

There is a specific purpose each of us are on this Earth to fulfill.

I know not everyone may not have my faith and believe the way I do, but that doesn’t negate the fact that we are all on this Earth for a reason. We each are here because we have a purpose to fill, in our own way and our own time.

I remember sitting in study hall as a freshman and I overheard some junior boys next to me talking. These boys were talking about how all the girls were so alike…

“You ever notice girls all wear the same clothes? They all wear Hollister shirts but in different colors.”

I have no idea why I will always remember that. But I have.

In that moment, I was glad that I didn’t wear those clothes. You see, I couldn’t afford to keep up with most of the trends as I had bills to pay when I was in high school. Phone, car payment, car insurance, any extracurricular activity, I paid for with my own money. So, I didn’t have the extra money to go and spend on the latest clothes.

Our Steps Are Directed

I truly believe that that not fitting in with the crowd in high school has prepared me so that I could make it to where I am today. Proud of who I am but also wise enough to know where I stand and how I can improve myself.

You see, I believe that all our steps are directed by a greater power, for me that is God and his glory. He directs my steps so that when it is time for me to fulfill my purpose, I have all the necessary information and experience to do so.

I fully believe the same for you.

You may not know it now, but what you are going through, and have been through, is going to be used to help someone else.

Yes, you and your story.

How are we to have a unique story to tell to help others if we’re trying to be just like the next person? How would we be able to share what we have learned to help others?

Our story would be just like theirs, therefore useless and boring.

Change Your Perspective And Stay In Your Lane

This is how I have been looking at my life, why we have gone through things that we have, why we are where we are in life – it is all so that we can tell our story and help someone through their story. At least, this is how I feel about mine.

For you, look back through your life and try to find the commonalities through your story.

What are you finding that would relate in each chapter?

How can you use that as you move to the next chapter?

Can you embrace your story and use it to help others?

Can you use it as motivation to be better in the rest of your story?

Are the chapters you look back on making you proud, or making you feel like you can do better?

You see, we are always so focused on comparing ourselves to people we may not know or would even like if we met in real life, that we are forgetting that we should only be competing with ourself to be better.

Its scary to think that we should be competing with the person next to us. Like I said, we are not even in the same race.

Unless of course, you are in a race. LOL – excuse the mom humor

Fulfill YOUR Purpose, Not Theirs

My point is, is that in order to stop the comparison, you NEED to understand that you are called to fulfill your purpose and not the person you follow on social media, or your coworker, or even best friend.

I can be honest and say that I have been jealous of my best friend, before. Ever since we met almost 20 years ago, there are many things that she is better at than me.

She has an amazing personality, can talk to anyone, even now, she graduated nursing school and has a great life that I find myself being jealous over.

Am I happy for her? Absolutely! Do I sometimes wish I would have taken the path she did? Yes.

The thing is, although I may wish that I would have done things the way she did or have certain qualities that she does, it doesn’t mean that my life is less than or that I chose the wrong path.

There are things that she falls short on that I make up for and vice versa. We compliment each other. How boring it would be if we were both perfect.

This is how I look at everyone else around me – They are probably better in this area and I am happy for them.

I may not good with that, but I am great in this other area.

Do you see what I am saying?

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. No need to compare and get down about it.

Bible Verse on Comparison

Some Extra Encouragement

If you are religious, or curious, I have linked the service from Sunday confirming that I needed to talk about comparison some more.

I have been struggling with comparing recently, yes, even though I know everything I do, I still get a sense of “when is it my turn”.

God knew I needed to hear the words that were spoken this past Sunday, maybe you do to.

If you take anything from this, know that you have your own purpose to fulfill and that is what you need to be focusing on. Your time will come, but you have to focus on your story, not theirs.

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