Growing up I despised salads. My parents served a regular ole iceberg lettuce salad at every meal and I just couldn’t fathom making my kids eat salads like that. “I’ll never make MY kids eat that“. Fast forward all these years and I am obsessed with salads of all kinds!

Easy Summer Salad

My mother in law had us over for dinner a few months back and made us this really delicious salad that was like a spinach and strawberry salad with a few extras and it was delicious! Since then, I made my own version and added chicken to it to make it a full meal. I have had quite the compliments when it came to this salad so I wanted to share with you all how to make it.

There are various ways to make this salad, you can even add different fruits, nuts, cheeses, or even do salmon, shrimp, or steak instead of chicken.

I will also say that this salad is best made with a real deep green, leafy lettuce and not something like iceberg. A green leaf lettuce, romaine, or even just simple baby spinach would work best in my opinion. You won’t want anything too watery.

This particular salad consists of grilled chicken, romaine lettuce, strawberries, apples, candied pecans, and feta cheese. I like to top it with poppy seed dressing.

Another variation I have tried previously, is grilled chicken, diced apples, and shredded cheddar cheese. This is super tasty and would be great with a fruity dressing as well.

Chicken and Strawberry Salad

Serves: 6

Cook/Prep Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 Head Romain Lettuce
  • 1 Head Green Leaf Lettuce
  • 2 Apples – Diced
  • 1 Cup Strawberries – Quartered
  • Candied Pecans
  • Feta Cheese
  • Grilled Chicken – Diced and cooled
  • Fruity dressing of choice – Lemon Poppy Seed recommended


Start by cutting all fruit and lettuce and toss together in a large bowl. Top with candied pecans and feta cheese and mix together. Serve in a bowl topped with the grilled chicken, more pecans and feta, and dressing of choice. Enjoy!

Hopefully, you will love this salad as much as I do!

Until next time,


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