If you have been following along, I shared at the end of December 2020 that I was starting fresh with the Keto Lifestyle to kick my sugar addiction and to stop feeling like death was at my door. If you missed it, you can read it here.

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So, today marks the first month of a Keto lifestyle and long story short, I am feeling SO. MUCH. BETTER!

I know, I know, maybe you are here to figure out why they heck anyone would cut out carbs. Hello, we need ALL food groups!

Well, in my case, carbs – sugar and junk, have caused me a lot more harm than good. I am a sugar addict and can very easily make a cake or batch of cookies and eat it all myself. Don’t really think that’s something that we need for in our diets.

Keto Month One Results

What is a Keto Lifestyle?

A little break down in case you are unsure of a what a Keto Lifestyle is.

Keto is a high fat, low carb diet and is short for Ketosis. In Ketosis, your body is depleted of carbs and it turns to fat to burn for energy. So when you are eating keto it means you you are eating a high amount of fat for your body to burn for energy.

If you didn’t know: When you are eating more carbs than your body can burn off for energy, it becomes sugar. When sugar is not burned off, it then becomes fat that is stored on your body. That is the fat that makes you gain weight.

So, in most cases, the point of keto is to eat fat to burn fat and lose weight and do it quickly. Again, my case is to kick my sugar addiction and just feel better all around – weight loss is a perk.

There are 3 types of keto: Dirty, lazy, and strict.

In most cases, you will track your carb count and keep it at or under 20 net carbs per day- I use carb manager to track anything keto related.

From the way I understand it, Dirty Keto is if you want to smother everything in butter, cheese, and bacon, then you can. You can eat whatever you want as long as it’s under your carb count. It is dirty because it isn’t the healthiest option, but still allows a lot of freedom and results in weight loss.

Lazy Keto is when you follow most of the guidelines of keto but do not track your carb count. I follow somewhere along these lines.

For Strict Keto, you follow all guidelines to a T and track everything. If it is not on the list of approved foods or above carb count, you do not touch it.

For more info on a Keto Lifestyle, I highly recommend this book! This is the book that I followed when I originally started keto before I got pregnant with the twins. SUPER HELPFUL!

My One Month Results

Today marks one month on this round of keto.

I originally started back on November 26, 2018. I only remember this date because it was the Monday after Thanksgiving that year.

That first attempt was planned for a few weeks and I learned everything I could before starting. Also, I started that round with the sole intent of losing weight.

I once heard that if you are losing weight for vanity that it will never last. Well, that first round was the sole intent of losing the weight and looking better, and wouldn’t you know, I fell off after that first month or two. This round, however, is solely to feel better and so far so good!


I started off at a weight of 146, I am down a total of 9.4 pounds.

I wish that I would have measured inches because I am 100% certain that I have lost far more inches than weight.

Non Scale Victories – NSV

The jeans that I was spilling out of the top, are now back to fitting exactly as they should and even a tad bit loose!

I can see and FEEL a difference in my face, arms and belly.

There is no, or very, very little bloating now. I used to have PAINFUL bloating constantly, and now there is hardly any.

Brain fog has drastically been reduced. For almost the last 2 months before I started keto, I was hardly able to stay awake throughout the day. I was constantly had that brain fog feeling and as soon as I sat down, no matter the time of day, I was almost asleep.

I have been so clear headed throughout the day its like day and night from the way it was before.

At night, however, I am still having a hard time staying up. I am placing the blame on 1 – I am a mom of 6 and exhausted, and 2 – my body is adjusting to processing food differently.

I am feeling more confident in my skin again and that is the BEST feeling ever!

Lastly, I used to have the most excruciating headaches every single day. Now, they have been reduced significantly.

Some of my favorite Keto recipes

I can’t end this first month update without sharing some of my FAVORITE recipes that I have used in the last month! You will LOVE these, keto or not!

Crock Pot Low Carb Taco Soup from Beyer Beware

Baked Salmon with Mayo (Parmesan and Herb Crusted) from My Heavenly Recipes

Keto Baked Italian Sausage from Kasey Trenum

Creamy Garlic Parmesan Pork Chops from Kasey Trenum

Keto Sausage Balls from Keto Size Me

Keto Peanut Butter Mousse from Kasey Trenum

Keto Month One Results

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