Two months!?

How has it been two months since starting my keto journey?

Although I am taking this journey day by day, these past two months feel like they have flown by.


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If you missed it, you can read all about my first month of keto here!

Let me give you a quick background to catch you up to speed!

So, I originally decided to jump on the keto train back in 2018 and I completed my first month November 26th to December 25th.

I did not cheat, not even once!

The fear of kicking myself out of ketosis helped so much that I even refused wine!

These keto strips really helped me stay in ketosis and were super easy to use!

I was determined to lose the last bit of baby weight that had stuck around after our third and had had enough!

The extra weight and the insecurities that followed me around were enough to change my ways.

Anyway – that first month I lost roughly 15 pounds! Mind you it was mostly water weight!

But I gained confidence back and I was happy again!

Fast forward, we had keto twins! Keto is known to help with fertility and I full heartedly believe that with a little mix of both God and Keto gave us our twins!


I stopped keto while I was pregnant and started back up once I had the twins. Well, for me, keto had caused my milk supply to dip big time but I lost 4 pounds that week!

So, I stopped keto until the end of 2020 when I was having severe (to me) side effects from the food I was eating.

After Halloween I pretty much let myself go and allowed myself to eat whatever and whenever I wanted. It was causing so much havoc to my body and I was in PAIN!

I was feeling like I was on the road to death, honestly.

I felt like if I kept on the route I was going, I would end up in the hospital. So, I started back up on keto because I knew from previous experience that I would be eating mainly vegetables, no sugar and no more junk!

So far things have been going great!! Here are my first month results.

My Month Two Keto Results

I have to say that I have not felt this good in a LONG time!

As mentioned above, I initially started keto, this round, because I wanted to feel better. It was never about losing weight.


I am down a total of 14 pounds as of this morning and my 2 pairs of go-to jeans were FALLING OFF of me last week!

Like, what!?

I know 14 pounds may not sound like a lot, but for someone who has been STRUGGLING to lose the last of the twins weight, I am THRILLED!

Of course, not only have I lost some weight, but my headaches are basically gone! Like I never even had them in the first place!

My energy is up but not drastic for me to rave about it, to be honest.

I have been able to focus much better and I am not in a constant state of brain fog.

Before I got back on keto I was having a hard time staying awake throughout the day and definitely could not stay up at night.

Now, I am able to stay up but I also have been sleeping better too!

I was always SUFFERING from extremely painful bloating from the sugar and junk I was eating. Since changing my eating habits, I have RARELY had the bloating and pain. This is probably what I am most happy about when it comes to this “diet”.

Check out this post for the Best Keto Subscription Box!

This Is A Lifestyle

Now that I have been doing keto for two months, I have really settled in and gotten comfortable.

I am no longer craving too much “junk” and when I do I make a fluff of some sort or even just some chocolate whipped cream.

Also, I have found that I am somewhere between lazy keto and just simply low carb.

I have not been worried about the scale and if it has gone up or down, I am merely going off of how I feel.

I have had cheat days this time around, and I will grab a handful of tortilla chips or cheese its here and there to hold me over and not go too crazy.

This month I am planning on incorporating some fitness into my life with our studio bike, and weight lifting.

Honestly, I am trying to just be healthier all the way around and not just make the numbers move on the scale.


Last month I shared a few of my favorite recipes, so I would like to do that again for you.

I made some really tasty Stuffed Chicken Parmesan that I will be sure to try again.

This Keto Sausage and Gravy by Eat Be Fit Explore was a real hit for breakfast and lunch! 😉

I LOVE these Low Carb Sausage Balls from That Low Carb Life. I actually made these the first time I did keto and they were so good!

This Taco Soup from Beyer Beware was shared last month but it is just that good I have to share it again. We actually used chicken the last few times instead of ground beef and its even better!

And I can not end this list without sharing my FAVORITE coffee syrups that I use in my coffee EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Keto Coffee

I HIGHLY recommend checking out this post if you are a coffee lover like myself!

And if you are looking to try a new coffee, I strongly suggest checking out Super Coffee and using code SUPERAMY15 for a discount at check out.

There you have it, my month two keto results!

I will be sure to update for month 3 when that time comes so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!

Until next time,


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