Last month I did a little garden update and really enjoyed that I could share about it. I thought it was a great idea to go ahead and share a little of our suburban backyard garden July update as well.

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Suburban Backyard Garden Update – July 2022

Suburban Garden

I strongly feel that pictures don’t do my pretty little garden justice.

You have to be in the garden to feel it’s beauty. Or, just sit at my kitchen table and stare at the view as I’m doing now LOL!

It is safe to say that this itty bitty garden has exploded since I first put it in and I am loving it!

If you want to read more about our suburban garden journey you can read this post here, here, or this one here. Or head to our garden section for all things gardening.

Harvest Time

For the last month or so I have been harvesting lettuce 3 times a week. I love that I was able to plant lettuce once and continuously cut from it. Nothing better than homegrown in my opinion. Food from the store just isn’t the same.

suburban garden


Our peas are also going crazy! I’ve been able to harvest these a few times a week the last two or three weeks or so.

I have been using them in stir fry, salad, and I’ve even air fried them and they are divine! I’ve also got some stashed away in the freezer to use for later.

Next year, I will be using a much taller trellis as the one I used this year was way too short. Thankfully the peas were able to stay in tact even after they fell and still grew upward.

raised bed garden

Tomatoes, Peppers, Green Beans

The whole south side of my garden consists of a bed with tomatoes, peppers, and green beans, with a few basil and squash plants mixed in. Thankfully the tomatoes and beans on this side have not been touched. However, the squash and peppers have been topped thanks to some hungry deer.

I also have a whole bed of green beans that unfortunately has been topped by the deer as well. So, now I am filling every empty space with green beans in hopes to salvage my green bean harvest. We shall see how it works out.

Garlic and Carrot Harvest

Yesterday, I was able to harvest my garlic as well as a row of baby carrots.

I am so impatient when it comes to these carrots and they taste so dang delicious, I’m not sure I will be able to let them go too much longer!

And of course there was my garlic harvest. This was my first time growing and harvesting garlic and I did quite a bit wrong, so I will share that in another post.

However, my garage now smells like garlic heaven with the garlic in there curing and I’m not mad about that one bit!

suburban garden

The Rest of the Garden

I won’t go into detail on the rest of the garden as there’s just not too much to share. Everything is still growing and doing it’s thing. I’ll just share the beauty of it all with you.

There’s my July garden update. I’ll be sure to share more as the month goes on and into August as we harvest more.

Thanks for being here!

the mustard seed mama

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