About six years ago, my mother in law made us a big fancy taco dinner with everything imaginable. She made avocado crème, ground turkey taco meat with homemade seasoning, Mexican rice, and these delicious spicy sweet potatoes. The whole meal was really just amazing, I can still taste it to this day.

Every once in a while I really get a hankering for those spicy sweet potatoes and today was one of those days. I didn’t have the recipe and it being so long ago I didn’t think she had it either. So, I came up with my very own spicy sweet potato recipe.

The Spice

This recipe is really so easy to make, I’m not sure why it took me so long to recreate it.

The hardest part was deciding how spicy I wanted to make these little sweet potatoes as I don’t really love super spicy foods. So, I sprinkled just enough Cayenne pepper over top to have everything covered just enough to get have more of the flavor and not so much of a kick. If you like more of a kick, you can add more, if not add less.

Honestly, these potatoes would be an amazing addition to any Mexican dish, with or without the spice.

Here’s What I Did

I started off with preheating the oven to 425.

I then peeled and cubed five small sweet potatoes. These were probably the smallest sweet potatoes ever but I wanted to use them up. It was a total of about 2 cups.

Next, I added the potatoes to a small pan and coated them with an olive and avocado oil blend, and seasoned them with a homemade taco seasoning. To make these spicy, I just added an extra few shakes of Cayenne pepper.

I plopped them in the oven for 30 minutes to let them roast. Once the 30 minutes were up, I gave them a good toss and put them back in for another 5 minutes.

When they were done, I let them cool a few minutes before I served them.

That’s it. Super simple and nothing hard about these potatoes at all. Which is why I’m really wondering why I waited so long to recreate them.


I mixed these roasted sweet potatoes with black beans, shredded chicken, lettuce, onions, and some tortilla chips. The flavors mixed together were phenomenal. So delicious!

If I wasn’t dairy free, I would love these potatoes with a little cheese and sour cream. I think it would give off a fiesta potato from Taco Bell vibe.

If you are vegan/vegetarian, these potatoes would be great as the main filler in some sweet potato tacos. You could add black beans, lettuce and onion too. Super yummy!

If you make these easy and delicious spicy sweet potatoes, let me know what you think and how you used them!

Until next time,

Spicy Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Serving Size:
40 Minutes


  • 2 Cups Sweet Potatoes – peeled & cubed
  • Taco Seasoning – I used this
  • 2 TBS Olive Oil or Avocado Oil
  • Cayenne Pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 425
  2. If not done so already, peel and cube sweet potatoes.
  3. Add potatoes to a shallow baking dish. Add oil and seasonings to potatoes and mix until potatoes are coated completely.
  4. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes. You can flip the potatoes half way through or at the end and give them another 5 minutes in the oven.

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