I am back on my keto kick and before you say anything, this is strictly for health purposes.

If I could lose these 20 pounds, then great! But, my health has been in a declining state and at not even 30, I’m not a fan! So, keto it is.


I found this keto coffee such a long time ago and I finally tried it!

It is so tasty, easy, refreshing, delicious, and a fun treat to have while the kiddos nap!

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As I mentioned before, I found this recipe on TikTok years ago when I tried keto for the first time.

I won’t fill this post with too much mumbo jumbo but there are so many variations of this coffee recipe.

The one I found was a simple Starbucks iced coffee mixed with a caramel premier protein shake. This alone sounded so good but I made mine just a little different.

Iced Coffee

I started with making two pots of super strong black coffee and storing it in the fridge overnight.

When I was ready to make my iced coffee, I filled a mason jar half way with ice and the coffee I made the previous night.

Next I added half a vanilla premier protein shake to the coffee and ice.

I then added about two tablespoons of my favorite coffee syrups – Pumpkin Spice from Skinny Mixes.

Lastly, I topped it off with a sugar free cool whip!

So dang tasty and refreshing!


With the simplicity of this recipe there are so many variations.

You can use one of the many skinny mixes syrups to flavor this coffee – my favorite is by for the regular mocha flavor.

You can also switch it up with the different flavor of shakes Premier offers. The Cafe Latte flavor would be great with some whip on top for a strong coffee flavor.

There are really so many options, I’m sure I’ll be trying so many more. I have a yummy peppermint mocha flavor I’m thinking of trying as soon as Halloween is over!


[lt_recipe name=”Keto Pumpkin Iced Coffee” servings=”1″ total_time=”5M” difficulty=”Easy” print=”yes” image=”https://ourfaithfilledhomestead.comwp-content/uploads/2021/10/Perfect-Blend-Coffee-Photo-Pinterest-Graphic-200×300.png” ingredients=”Handful of Ice;8 oz Iced Coffee;Vanilla Premier Protein Shake;2 TBS Pumpkin Spice Skinny Mixes;Whipped Cream – Optional” ]Fill mason jar half way with ice and iced coffee.;Pour half of the vanilla Premier protein shake over the ice and coffee. ;Add pumpkin spice syrup.;Stir until combined and top with whipped cream. [/lt_recipe]We all know Tik Tok has some amazing recipes but have you tried the keto coffee?

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