Coffee is my life! Hot coffee, iced coffee, sitting on the counter for 3 hours because I’m chasing kids around, yep, I’ll still drink it.

I started drinking coffee in high school when I worked at Dunkin Donuts. Honestly, its still my favorite job I’ve had.

Anyway, this job got me addicted to coffee and here I am now, craving coffee morning, noon, and night.

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However, with cutting sugar and carbs, I had to drastically change my coffee order.

My at home coffee used to be 2 1/2 HEAPING tablespoons of sugar and Coffee Mate flavored creamer with a splash of coffee.

I guess you could say I was likely addicted to the sugary creaminess and not the tiny bit of coffee I would add.

On top of that sugar addiction, the creamer would cause me so much pain and cramping every morning. I thought it was just the coffee kicking in, but nope, it was the creamer. TMI sorry!

Fast forward and I have found the BEST keto coffee secret without the sugar or butter! 😉

Keto Coffee

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Keto Coffee Hacks

When I first started keto, I wasn’t sure how to drink my coffee without sugar and creamer. I certainly was not a fan of just stevia and heavy whipping cream like a few bloggers suggested.

I actually came up with my own concoction of a protein coffee – protein powder, heavy whipping cream, coconut oil, stevia, and coffee.

Keto Protein Coffee
Keto Protein Coffee

This was definitely a recipe that helped me tremendously when I very first started keto back in 2018. I would make this up real quick in my blender using Ideal Raw or Vega protein powder and head off to my full day of classes. It kept me full for hours!

However, this is a whole meal in itself and a little on the high side for calories.

I was on the search for just regular coffee that I could sit and have a cup with my husband in the morning. I didn’t want to spend more time than I needed to make up coffee.

At the time, all the keto Instagrammers were using sugar free Torani coffee syrups. These were delicious, at the time, but on the pricey side so I didn’t use them long. Still made for great flavoring, though!

Sugar Free Torani Coffee Syrup

Homemade Coffee Creamer

So, after searching forever to find the perfect cup of morning coffee that was easy and delicious, that didn’t involve a million expensive ingredients, or butter, I came up with my own homemade coffee creamer.

My Homemade Coffee Creamer has only 3 ingredients and takes less than 3 minutes to make more than a weeks worth of creamer. Yes, I timed myself.

Homemade Keto Coffee Creamer
Homemade Coffee Creamer Ingredients

This is hands down the best creamer I have made and used. Super easy, clean, and simple! You can find the full recipe here.

Are You Ready For The Best Keto Coffee Secret?

The absolute number one keto coffee secret that I CANNOT go without now is Skinny Syrups Sugar Free Coffee Syrups!

I found these coffee syrups when I was looking for an alternative to the Torani Syrups.

I cannot rave enough about these syrups. They are incredible and make you feel like you are drinking a gourmet cup of coffee in your own home.

There are so many flavors, AND the best part, they are sugar free and keto friendly!

Side Note – Skinny Syrups have more than just coffee flavors, they have cocktail mixes, fruit flavors, dessert flavors of all kinds. If you are looking for a sugar free alternative, I highly recommend checking them out.

Keto Coffee
The Best Keto Coffee Concoction

Now, my favorite way to make my keto coffee is to simply make my Super Coffee – you can find it here and use code SUPERAMY15 for a discount.

I then add a couple splashes of my skinny syrups – White Chocolate Mocha is by far my favorite flavor, it makes your coffee taste like a hot chocolate coffee. SO GOOD!

Last is some heavy whipping cream. That’s it!

Simple, easy, keto friendly, doesn’t upset your tummy from the chemical filled store creamer.

Super Keto Coffee Fans

For all you super keto fans, Skinny Syrups has special syrups just for you.

These syrups have added MCT Oil and sweetened with stevia, monk fruit and erythritol. Perfect for super keto fans that want the added fat first thing in the morning.

Sunday Morning Jesus Coffee

Now, I watch our church service from the comfort of my living room and I make a special cup of coffee that I call my Jesus Coffee.

Basically I just add my own homemade chocolate whipped cream to add on top! But I also just eat it right out of the bowl with a spoon too because – FAT!

Homemade Chocolate Whipped Cream

Add all ingredients to a medium size bowl. With a hand mixer, mix on a medium to high speed until the cream has stiffened to form hard peaks. Basically until it looks like whipped cream.

Check Out My One Month Keto Results

Hopefully you found some helpful keto coffee secrets today! I know I searched forever when it came to finding keto coffee that I actually wanted to drink. If you have a keto coffee recipe to add, please share in the comments!

Happy Keto – ing!

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