I have been meaning to share this little recipe for quite some time. I am making these delicious, easy, and keto-fied deviled eggs today, so I thought it was a great time to share with ya’ll!

What makes my keto deviled eggs different than normal? Bacon, cheese, and hot sauce!

Check out these: Keto Friendly Snacks You Need In Your Life Right Now!

Keto Deviled Eggs

Alright so I won’t bore you too much with the background of where I came up with this idea. I mean, eggs, cheese and bacon are some of the reasons I love keto so I pretty much just mixed them all in when making this easy snack!

I have tons, and I mean tons, of eggs from our chickens. So, when I need to use them up I usually make this recipe. All you have to do is throw everything together, mix, and stuff back into the egg and enjoy! Super Easy!

Let’s Get Started

As any egg recipe starts, you hard boil the eggs. I like to boil them for about 12 minutes. While the eggs are boiling is usually when I will cook up a couple slices of bacon that will be mixed in.

When the eggs are done, I just let them cool in the sink. I drain them in a strainer and throw a couple ice cubes on top.

Honestly, I usually let them cool for a couple hours while I work on housework or chase kids around.

Anyway, once they are cooled, you can peel the shell off the eggs and then slice the eggs in half. You’ll then want to scoop our the yellow yokes and put them in a little mixing bowl that you will add all your ingredients to. Careful when cutting the eggs and scooping out the yolks, sometimes the eggs will fall apart, but no worries they will all taste the same when done!

Next up, it’s time to mix up all the ingredients with the yokes. So stinkin simple!

I use mayo, hot sauce, shredded cheddar cheese or whatever I have, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, dill, and bacon!

Once everything is mixed, you just spoon the mixture into the whites of the eggs and sprinkle a little dill over the top. You can eat right away or stick in the fridge to chill for a while.


Unfortunately, as good as they taste, I just couldn’t get a good picture without them looking so messy! But trust me – they are delicious!

Alright, there you have it – my keto – fied deviled eggs with the right amount of cheese, bacon, and a tiny kick to make these deviled eggs super tasteful!

Until next time,

Keto Deviled Eggs

Serving Size:
Makes 14 deviled eggs
45 minutes


  • 7 eggs
  • 3 slices of bacon
  • 1/2 – 3/4 cup Mayo
  • 1 Tbs Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tbs Hot Sauce
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Pepper
  • 1 Tbs Dill
  • 1/2 Tbs Paprika
  • 1/4 cup Shredded Cheese – cheddar preferred
  • Side note: Seasoning amounts are estimated as I just sprinkle until my hearts desires are fulfilled.


  1. Start by boiling your eggs for 12 minutes. Once they are done, strain them in the sink and throw in a couple ice cubes to cool. While the eggs are boiling, cook bacon.
  2. When the eggs are cooled, peel and cut in half, then scoop out yolks and put in small bowl.
  3. Add all ingredients to egg yolks and mix.
  4. Once mixed, fill egg whites and sprinkle with dill.
  5. Put finished eggs into the fridge to chill or eat right away.
  6. Enjoy!

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