Alright, I know this week is pretty much over but we have a lot of work to do and it’s going into next week as well.

Honestly, do you ever feel like everything for your family happens all at once? Like, there will be nothing going on and then all of a sudden BAM everything hits you at once and feel like you can’t keep up? That’s us these past couple weeks.

We have been going non stop and it’s not going to slow down anytime soon, at least it doesn’t look like it.

I shared a few weeks ago that hubs had a random week off of work so we took that opportunity to redo our floors and half bath. You can read that excitement here.

That project was crazy but somehow we got it all completed in a week and the house feels so much more like home now, which is something I desperately needed because this house was starting to feel more like a hassle than a home.

Now that we got most of our inside projects we had planned, completed, we’re starting to move to the outside and there is so much work to be done.

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This Weeks Excitement In The Stone Household

Now that we got a few of our big projects done inside and the weather is breaking, it is time to get outside and get to work.

Chicken Coop

Our first project we needed to get done was to enclose our chickens because they were getting just way too brave and going a few houses down. We live in a little farm community so it’s no problem for us to have chickens right in our backyard, but they were so destructive to our yard I really didn’t want them to bother our neighbors yards. So enclosed they went!

I will be sure to share more about that project when I have every detail done. We used Critterfence for our fencing and so far we love it and it has kept our girls in and safe.

Their delivery was SUPER fast and so far we just love them. They sent me a code for anyone to use so you can use code AMYSTONE to save 5% if you are in the market for some fencing.

So, the fencing and door is done, but I still need to paint and do some finishing touches, and for that to happen it needs to stop randomly raining so the paint can dry on the coop and door.


I have wanted cows since I was little. I can’t remember a time in my life I didn’t swoon over cows. Thanks to my father and brother in law having their own little farm, we are now getting our very own cows! Of course, we are raising these to fill our freezers, but in the mean time, they will be mine to raise and take care of.

Our plan is to get our two over to the farm this weekend and then get one or two every year so we always have beef in rotation. I will say this is totally new for me, so I have to remember that these cows are farm animals and not pets. They are being raised specifically to be consumed and so we know what is going into our bodies. This is will most likely be the hardest part for me.

With that being said, last weekend we had to make a doorway for the cows to get out to the pasture. Hubs and his brother tore out a wall and framed it in. Next, fencing for the pasture will be going in the next month or so hopefully.

Starting Seedlings

Today, I started seeds for our in ground garden that we are planting over at the farm.

Last year, we started seeds and almost everything popped up but I had no idea what I was doing, to be honest, so a lot of them died or the seeds molded.

After researching and learning all I can, the room I had my seeds in just wasn’t warm enough for them and I probably over watered them.

So this year, I got a little fancy with a grow light, heating mat, and seed tray kits so that everything should germinate and grow for us to get them in the ground.

The total cost for seeds, trays, lights, and mats was just over a hundred dollars. Last year just buying plants, and not many at that, cost well over a hundred dollars. I think we may have gotten less than 15 plants total from the nursery we shop at, so hopefully starting our own seeds will work out and be more cost effective.

Last year, we did raised beds and they worked out great! We even cut a few trees down so there would be more sun. Everything was planted and started growing right away. It was beautiful! Until our girls got to the them.

Being first time backyard chicken farmers, we didn’t realize just how much our girls were going to get into, even with their fencing. So that is why this year we planned to have the garden at the farm where there is full sun, and no chickens! There are some goats, but with the Critterfence I spoke about earlier, there will be no problems with the goats getting into anything.


Finally baseball is back!

Our two oldest boys have been playing baseball for the last few years and I enjoy watching them play so much! This year we are at the field 5 nights a week and it’s already nuts with the twins in tow. There is nothing I love more than watching the kids do what they love.

Hopefully we don’t burn out too soon and the weather warms up because sitting in 40 degree weather is just not enjoyable for me or the twins!

That’s all I have for now!

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