We love having lettuce fresh from the garden, but it can go bad quickly if it is not stored properly. Try this super simple way to keep your garden lettuce fresh for up to two weeks or more. Trust me, it really does work!

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How to Store Lettuce in the Fridge for up to Two Weeks

We love fresh lettuce from our garden. I am out there at least three times a week if not more harvesting what I can.

Unfortunately, we all know what happens to lettuce when we don’t consume it quick enough. However, here’s a super simple trick I like to use to store our lettuce that keeps it crunchy and fresh for up to two weeks or more.

What you need:

  • Wet but not drenched paper towel
  • Ziplock bag
  • Permanent marker

You will start by giving your fresh from the garden lettuce a good washing. I use a simple strainer to do this but I know a salad spinner works great as well.

Then you will wet a paper towel with at least 3 sheets. Depending on how much lettuce you have to store you will want more or less.

Lay the paper towel out and place the lettuce in the middle. Once all the lettuce is on the paper towel, fold each end of the paper towel into the middle.

Place the lettuce and paper towel in a gallon size Ziplock bag, zip up, date it, and store it in the fridge for up to two weeks.

I have a reel here showing the process.

how to store lettuce

Crunchy and Fresh

This method will also help your lettuce get back to a crunchy, fresh state. I have been known to harvest lettuce and leave the basket on the counter overnight. By doing this method, it brings the lettuce back to life and takes it from a flimsy state back to crisp lettuce leaves.

If you want more environmental friendly storage bags, try these!

If you try this method, let me know how it works for you! I love doing this for our freshly cut lettuce from the garden. I have not tried this for a head of lettuce, so if you do, let me know!

Until next time,

the mustard seed mama

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